Tutors helping students

I’m tutoring pre-algebra on Mondays and Wednesdays and helped one student with his science fair project this fall. I also occasionally tutor this same student in math. One day when I was working on math with him in a conference room, he wanted to shut the door. I told him that I thought it would be best to leave it open and he responded, “I don’t want anyone to hear how dumb I am.”

The good news is that after the time we spent together, he was able to win the 7th grade science fair this fall and will be advancing to the regionals. I could tell that this did wonders for his self-esteem. He seemed so proud to tell me the news and how “everybody is talking about me today”.

…Joe Maccani

Volunteering as a tutor with Catholic Tutor Corps (CTC) has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my seven plus years in retirement. I started at St. Helena Catholic School in January 2017 helping students in grades 5-8 with math. The most challenging part was tutoring 7th and 8th graders in the basics of algebra and geometry. While those can be very frustrating subjects, it was gratifying to see when the light bulb would go on for a student, and to witness the pride they felt when finally grasping something they hadn’t previously understood. 

My next three years at St. Helena, different but no less rewarding, were divided among grades K-5, primarily in math plus a little reading. While working with very youngest grades, I quickly learned how important it was not just to help them academically, but also to listen to the stories they would excitedly share, such as “my family just got a new puppy!” 

After Covid led to the closure of all Minnesota public and private K- 12 schools in March 2020, I was proud of our Catholic schools for re- opening in the Fall of 2020. I understood why in-person tutoring was put on hold, but was nonetheless eager to return. So when Blessed Trinity expressed the desire for a math tutor near the end of that school year, I jumped at the chance. 

I’ve been a 4th grade math tutor at Blessed Trinity since then, and it’s been an absolute joy! The staff is dedicated and supportive, and the students have been respectful, eager to learn, and personable too. In short, a pleasure to work with. 

These experiences have given me even more respect for our Catholic schools and the benefits they provide to their students and families. I’m proud to play my small part in this undertaking. 

You need not be a subject expert or professional educator to make a positive difference as a tutor, and you may find it one of the most rewarding volunteer roles you’ve ever had. I know I have! 

…Michael Barg

Breck School and St. John Paul II

In January of 2022, the Catholic Tutor Corps initiated a new relationship between Breck School and St. John Paul II school in north Minneapolis. Once a week, 12 Breck juniors and seniors boarded their school bus and rode over to John Paul II where they worked on math skills with students primarily in grades 5-8. The Breck students brought a very high level of energy and enthusiasm to their project and the young John Paul II students engaged very quickly with their new “big brother/big sister” tutors. This relationship between the two schools should continue on for many years.